Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Unit 4 (Deontology-part three) Assignment

Discussion Blog: 1st 3 students, why is freedom of the will so essential to Kant’s moral

philosophy?; 2nd 3 students, how could you, as an individual, help bring about Kant’s

“kingdom of ends”?; last 4 or so students, what sort of social/economic conditions would

need to exist in order for there to be a “kingdom of ends”?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Unit 4 (Deontology-part two) Assignment

Discussion Blog: 1st 3 students, give an example of a hypothetical and a categorical

imperative, and explain what makes one hypothetical and the other categorical; 2nd 3

students, why does Kant reject happiness as the goal for ethics?; last 4 or so students,

restate Kant’s “categorical imperative” (from the reading) and explain what it means to


 “How could you, as an individual, help bring about Kant’s ‘kingdom of ends?’”; 2nd 8

students, “What sort of social/economic conditions would need to exist in order for there

to be a ‘kingdom of ends?’”; and last 8 or so students, “Is the ‘kingdom of ends’ worth

striving for? Why or why not?”

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Unit 4 (Deontology-part one) Assignment

Discussion Blog: 1st 3 students, give an example of an empirical and a metaphysical statement, and explain what makes one empirical and the other metaphysical; 2nd 3 students, what does Kant mean by a “good will”?; and last 4 or so students, what does Kant mean by “duty”?