Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Unit 9 (Cognitive Psychology and Moral Growth) Assignment

Discussion Blog: First 3 students, give an example from your own experience of

accommodation/assimilation/equilibration; second 3 students, give an example from your

own experience of a person acting as a Stage 2 egocentric; last 4 or so students, give an

example from your own experience of a person acting as Stage 3/Stage 4 cooperation

(distinguish whether it’s incipient or genuine cooperation).

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Unit 7 (SMA, Step IV) Assignment

Discussion Blog: Choose one case from the “Ethics Bowl Cases 2004”, do Step IV of the

SMA, build on the previous work on this case.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Unit 7 (SMA, Steps II and III) Assignment

Discussion Blog— first 5 students, choose one case from the “Ethics Bowl Cases 2004”,

do Step II of the SMA, build on the previous work on this case (see last week’s

Discussion Blog); second 5 or so students, choose one case from the previous 5 students

(from “Ethics Bowl Cases 2004”), do Step III of the SMA, build on the previous work on

this case (see last week’s Discussion Blog and the previous posts for this week).

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Unit 7 (Systematic Moral Analysis, Step I) Assignment

Discussion Blog— Choose one case from the “Ethics Bowl Cases 2004”. For this case,

do Step I of the SMA, “What’s the problem?” Do not choose a case that has already been

posted by another student.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Unit 6 (Ethics in the Workplace and Role-related Responsibilities) Assignment

Discussion Blog—for all of these assignments, refer to your profession’s code of ethics

and emphasize elements of your code that are morally required and/or conventional: 1st 5

students, list 5 role related responsibilities for your profession that the public can

reasonably expect of you; 2nd 5 or so students, list 5 role related responsibilities that

colleagues/coworkers can reasonably expect of you.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Unit 5 (Professions & Professional Ethics in America) Assignment

Discussion Blog: 1st 5 students, using Ritchie as a guide, apply the ten criteria to evaluate your profession;  2nd 5 or so students, using Davis as a guide, explain how understanding a code of ethics as a convention can be useful in your profession.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Unit 4 (Deontology-part three) Assignment

Discussion Blog: 1st 3 students, why is freedom of the will so essential to Kant’s moral

philosophy?; 2nd 3 students, how could you, as an individual, help bring about Kant’s

“kingdom of ends”?; last 4 or so students, what sort of social/economic conditions would

need to exist in order for there to be a “kingdom of ends”?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Unit 4 (Deontology-part two) Assignment

Discussion Blog: 1st 3 students, give an example of a hypothetical and a categorical

imperative, and explain what makes one hypothetical and the other categorical; 2nd 3

students, why does Kant reject happiness as the goal for ethics?; last 4 or so students,

restate Kant’s “categorical imperative” (from the reading) and explain what it means to


 “How could you, as an individual, help bring about Kant’s ‘kingdom of ends?’”; 2nd 8

students, “What sort of social/economic conditions would need to exist in order for there

to be a ‘kingdom of ends?’”; and last 8 or so students, “Is the ‘kingdom of ends’ worth

striving for? Why or why not?”

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Unit 4 (Deontology-part one) Assignment

Discussion Blog: 1st 3 students, give an example of an empirical and a metaphysical statement, and explain what makes one empirical and the other metaphysical; 2nd 3 students, what does Kant mean by a “good will”?; and last 4 or so students, what does Kant mean by “duty”?

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Unit 3 (Utilitarianism) Assignment

[Note: I've posted this late, so you have until W 03 Feb (classtime) to complete the essay and response to another student's essay. Note that entries shorter than 250 words (essay) or 100 words (response) will lose points. - Professor Pat]

  • Discussion Blog: 1st 3 students, explain how the principles of utilitarianism often guide your decisions; 2nd 3 students, how does Mill account for those who lose their youthful enthusiasm, noble character, and interest in “higher faculties” as they get older?; and last 4 or so students, how and why does Mill distinguish between our intentions and the consequences of our actions?

Monday, January 25, 2016

Unit 2 (Gert) Assignment

  • Discussion Blog questions: 
  • 1st 3 students, According to Gert, why are the Golden Rule and/or Ten Commandments a poor basis for morality?”; 
  • 2nd 3 students, “How do moral goods and moral evils differ from other kinds of goods and evils?”; and 
  • last 4 or so students, “What is the rational basis for Gert's ten moral rules?”

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Unit 1 Assignment

Discussion Blog (Assignment): Socrates was a moral hero, a brave man of great virtue, and a mentor to Plato and other young men. Describe someone who has played a similar role in your life. Give a particular example of their moral courage. 
  • 250 words in your initial post
  • 100 word response to a fellow student
  • Due Wednesday 20 January 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Hi folks, and welcome to Professor Pat's section of PHL 325, Professional Ethics, for Spring 2016.

You will find the various readings and other support materials in the Course Documents area to the right of this field. 

We'll use this space for the weekly Blog Discussions. I'll post a question in this field, and then you will use the "Reply" feature to post your essay.

Thank you,  I look forward to the semester.

Professor Pat