Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Unit 6 (Ethics in the Workplace and Role-related Responsibilities) Assignment

Discussion Blog—for all of these assignments, refer to your profession’s code of ethics

and emphasize elements of your code that are morally required and/or conventional: 1st 5

students, list 5 role related responsibilities for your profession that the public can

reasonably expect of you; 2nd 5 or so students, list 5 role related responsibilities that

colleagues/coworkers can reasonably expect of you.


  1. The role of an EMT is to do uphold this 5 main code of ethics.
    1.To conserve life, alleviate suffering, promote health, do no harm, and encourage the quality and equal availability of emergency medical care.
    a.This is based on that all EMT need to take action when they see a medical situation in which they can perform what has been taught to them. It also says ‘do no harm’ which is the medical field means that each action you do should be done that will not harm the patient.
    2.To provide services based on human need, with compassion and respect for human dignity, unrestricted by consideration of nationality, race, creed, color, or status; to not judge the merits of the patient’s request for service, nor allow the patient’s socioeconomic status to influence our demeanor or the care that we provide.
    a.This line states that no matter what person that needs medical assistance is to be taken care of.
    3.To not use professional knowledge and skills in any enterprise detrimental to the public well-being.
    a.This line is basically saying that no matter what an EMT find out during a call that it stays between the people on scene and the patient.
    4.To respect and hold in confidence all information of a confidential nature obtained in the course of professional service unless required by law to divulge such information.
    a.On this line it states that all information stays confidential, one of the few things that should be stated to anyone else is if the EMT sees signs of abuse. This includes inside the family, or if the patient is in any type of medical assistance facility.
    5.To use social media in a responsible and professional manner that does not discredit, dishonor, or embarrass an EMS organization, co-workers, other health care practitioners, patients, individuals or the community at large.
    a.This code of ethic is slightly interesting in the sense that if anything is posted on social media that could dishonor any organization that was on the scene needs to stay off of all social media.

  2. Society of petroleum engineers code of ethics
    Offer services in the areas of their competence and experience affording full disclosure of their qualifications.
    • Petroleum engineers should never bite off more than they can chew. It is not morally right to society if a petroleum engineering says they are qualified to design a bridge when they have only been trained and have experience with drilling oil wells.
    Consider the consequences of their work and societal issues pertinent to it and seek to extend public understanding of those relationships.
    • Petroleum engineers have a moral obligation to the community to not do things that have a negative impact on society. They also have an obligation to inform the public on social issues like fracking.
    Are honest, truthful, ethical, and fair in presenting information and in making public statements reflecting on colleagues ‘professional matters and their professional role, whether verbal or through printed or electronic media.
    • This is a very broad code. It basically boils down to be a good person and be ethical. Petroleum engineers want to keep there prestige in society and to do that they have to be trusted and respected.
    Engage in professional relationships without bias or prejudice based on race, religion, gender, age, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, or disability.
    • Society can reasonably expect petroleum engineers to not be judgmental when conducting business. Everyone has prejudices but it’s acting on those prejudices that causes problems.
    Disclose to affected parties known or potential conflicts of interest or other circumstances which might influence-or appear to influence-judgment or impair the fairness or quality of their performance.
    • Society should never have reason to question a petroleum engineers motives. If there is a conflict of interest it is not right for the petroleum engineering to remain silent because this makes the whole field look bad.

    1. it seems to me that most professions have similar code of ethics. your first code says that petroleum engineers should do good in society. OSH professionals have a similar requirement that says seek opportunities to be of constructive service.
